Calories are a measurement of energy. So, when the chocolate bar you’re consuming has 500 calories, this is simply an indication of the amount of energy you’ll gain from it. Contrary to popular belief, calories are not necessarily bad. They’re healthy when consumed moderately. 

In a nutshell, your body requires calories to keep you alive. However, it would help if you didn’t consume more calories than your body could burn. It will store the excess energy causing you to be overweight. In some extreme cases, it may even result in health problems. The good news is that you can take charge and burn the excess calories. 

 Seven Effective Tips for Burning Excess Calories

The recommended calorie intake varies based on gender. For instance, studies show that women should consume around 2000 calories daily. Men, on the other hand, should consume no less than 2,500 calories.¹ This disparity is because men have more muscles than women. They ultimately burn more calories.

If you’re looking to burn excess calories and fat, we have compiled a quick guide for you below. 

You’ve Got to Exercise

There’s no way around exercise. You have to burn calories the old-fashioned way. Being active speeds up your metabolism and burns excess calories to fuel your activity. Unfortunately, most people skip out on the gym under the misguided notion that exercise has to be intense. 

Well, it doesn’t have to be. You have to work out frequently and regularly. 2 or 3 times, light aerobic exercises every week is a great way to get started. You could even begin by walking or jogging every morning. 

Pro tip: if you get injured during exercise, make sure you engage in various recovery modalities, including cryotherapy and compression therapy

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Experts recommend that you consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.² It’s not only necessary for your body to function but also keeps you healthy. The best part is that this simple act of taking water will also help you burn calories!

Here’s a nifty trick; first drink water every time you feel hungry and don’t know what to eat. Sometimes we confuse thirst for hunger and end up eating more than we actually need. 

Build Your Muscles Through Strength Training

Muscles are critical to exercising. What you may not realize is that muscle tissues burn a lot of calories compared to body fat. Even when you’re down working out, your muscles will continue burning calories for a while. 

Start engaging in strength training to increase your metabolism. The effects are more impressive when combined with aerobic exercises. 

Take Coffee or Black Tea

Coffee, green tea, and black tea are stimulants that can help you increase your calorie burn. They stimulate your system and give you the impression that you have excess energy. This then motivates you to be more active, ultimately burning calories.

Taking tea with meals has also been linked with weight loss benefits. It reduces the absorption of carbohydrates consumed within the same meal. 

Eat Smaller But Frequent Meals

Are you really hungry, or are you giving in to your cravings? To avoid overeating, it’s recommended that you take small, frequent meals throughout the day. The constant supply of food will keep your digestive system active, burning more calories. It will also prevent you from consuming junk food with excess calories due to hunger. 

Avoid Skipping Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip it, you’ll likely spend the day unmotivated. Even worse, you may end up eating junk food to keep your body fueled. 

Eat a large, heavy breakfast full of fruits and fiber. This will keep you energized during the day and reduce the risk of unhealthy snacking. 

Consume Low Dairy Fat

Low daily fat contains high levels of calcium. While this doesn’t help you burn fat, it reduces the calories your body absorbs from the same meal. Some studies have also linked calcium-rich foods with low belly fat. 

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle by Burning Excess Calories

If you’re looking to burn excess calories and lose weight, the above tips are a great place to start. The journey towards healthy living starts with your calorie intake. Too many calories could result in obesity and lifestyle diseases. 

On the other hand, inadequate calories won’t supply your body with the energy needed to function. So, make sure you strike a healthy balance. 

Links to Sources Used

  1. How many calories should I eat a day? – 
  2. How much water should you drink a day?-