The years before you get to 30 are your best ones and are the perfect time to start your fitness journey. While fitness challenges aren’t new, most people are afraid to join under the misguided conception that they’re difficult. Others have a hard time following through.

Well, fitness challenges don’t have to be hard. You just have to set realistic goals. You could also use a fitness tracker to keep tabs on your progress or start a challenge with friends. They could act as accountability partners. 

Achieving Fitness Under 30: 6 Exciting Ideas to Try Out

A study revealed that around 73% of people that set fitness goals at the beginning of the year quit before they can achieve their targets.¹ This is shocking! The study also revealed that one of the main reasons why people gave up was that they pushed themselves too hard.

Don’t focus on achieving too much within a short time frame. It’s all about making small consistent steps that eventually build up to impressive results. Now that you know what to do, here are the top 6 fitness challenges you should try before you hit 30.

  • Healthy Eating Challenge

Healthy nutrition is a significant part of wellness, and it could help you achieve your fitness challenges. Statistics show that the number of Americans that live a healthy lifestyle is less than 3%.² You could be part of them! You just have to get started.

Some effective ideas of healthy eating challenges include; personalized meal plans, healthy recipes, and consultations with a nutritionist. This challenge will help you develop healthy eating habits. 

  • Weight Loss Challenge

Obesity has been associated with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and liver disease. Starting a weight loss challenge will help you shed off some extra pounds and stay within the recommended body mass index (BMI).

Create a daily exercise plan and ensure you stick to your limits. You should also set realistic goals, and if possible, start the challenge with a dedicated group of people. Don’t forget to take before and after photos. 

For effective and faster recovery, you should consider recovery modalities such as cryotherapy, compression therapy, and percussion therapy

  • Mindfulness Challenge

This challenge is all about your mental fitness and focuses on being present. This then helps you feel calmer and reduce stress & anxiety. Some of the tools you should use for the mindfulness challenge include calming audio guidance, guided meditation videos, and a mindfulness journal. Make sure you start your daily tasks with a clear direction for the best results.

  • Water/ Hydration Challenge

Staying hydrated is one of the most important elements of starting to fit. Unfortunately, most people don’t drink enough water daily. This challenge helps you develop one healthy habit at a time and keeps your body sufficiently hydrated.

For the best results, gamify your water challenge and set reminders of when you should take water. 

  • Walking/ Distance Challenge

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step. If you’re new to fitness, this is a great place to begin. One of the primary mistakes people make is starting with the difficult challenges but then ending up feeling overwhelmed. 

Start by walking short stretches and then gradually increase the distance. This will help you build up resistance over time and get you prepared for more difficult challenges. 

  • Personal Best Challenge

Sometimes the best way to motivate yourself is by trying to beat your personal best. You’ve done it before, and you can do it better. The best part about the personal best challenge is that it’s dynamic. It could be any of the above challenges, as long as you’ve tried it before. It’s also about affirming to yourself that you can beat your goals. 

Fitness Under 30 Challenges Will Promote Health

Before getting started on the above fitness challenges, it’s important to know that they’re more than hitting the gym. They’re also about self-improvement and healthy living. 

Don’t forget to;

  • Set an end goal: it could be healthy eating for weight loss.
  • Set a deadline: how long do you plan on undertaking the challenge?
  • Track your progress: you could use pictures, online trackers, or apps.
  • Stick within your range of abilities: don’t overstretch yourself.
  • Be realistic: unrealistic challenges only set you up for failure.

You’ve got all it takes to stay fit before you hit 30. Just get started today!

Links to Sources Used

  1. Trying a New Workout in the New Year? Why You Shouldn’t Go Full Throttle – 
  2. Study: Only 3 Percent of Americans Live Healthy Lifestyle –