From the time we wake up to the time we retire to sleep, our days are filled with strings of endless activities. From going to work to spending time with your family, it’s easy to overlook the importance of forming healthy habits. Especially if you do not feel unwell at the moment.

Sadly, the effects of mindless health build up gradually. And over time, they will start taking a toll on your life, hence lowering your productivity. Read on for simple health tips that you can adopt effortlessly. 

Quick Health Tips for Staying Healthy While on a Busy Schedule

Staying healthy and fit is bound to boost your productivity and overall wellbeing. Here are 5 tips to start you off.

Cultivate Good Sleep Hygiene

How well you feel and function depends on the quality of your sleep. The first thing you are tempted to ration when you have a busy schedule is sleep. Unfortunately, inadequate sleep has severe effects on your health. The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute reports that inadequate sleep increases the risk of injury and predisposes one to mental illnesses. 

Furthermore, insufficient sleep may lead to depression, stroke, obesity, kidney problems, and heart issues. Despite your busy schedule, start by setting aside time for quality sleep each day. On average, eight hours of sleep each day will do you good.¹

Tips for forming a consistent sleep routine

  • Aim for 8 hours of sleep nightly.
  • If you can, avoid/minimize screen time at night. The National Sleep Foundation found that screen light prior to bed promotes insomnia.
  • Switch off/dim the lights and set the optimum temperature.
  • Use meditation to relax

Eat healthily

Another big challenge of busy schedules is eating healthy. When pressed for time, it is easy to fall into the habit of grabbing fast foods. While fast foods are convenient, they come with tons of health issues. They are not only nutrient-deficient, but they also predispose you to health issues such as diabetes and obesity.

How to eat healthily

  • Prepare your meals in advance. Preparing your meals earlier will save you the temptation of grabbing a pizza while you work. There are many ways you can use to prepare your meals while saving time. For instance, a slow cooker can cook your food while you attend to other duties. Another way is to cook enough food for the week and portion it for easy reheating.

If you find it hard to cook, consider ordering food delivery services from companies specializing in fresh, healthy meals for busy people.

  • Pack your lunch in advance.
  • Bring healthy snacks such as granola, fresh fruits, and baked chips to work.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. No matter how short of time you are, skipping breakfast is a bad idea.
  • Avoid sugary drinks

Adopt a Regular Exercise Routine

Setting aside time for exercise on a hectic schedule can be difficult but it is possible. The World Health Organization reports that sedentary lifestyles lead to increased causes of mortality, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer.²

To get started, wake up 30 minutes early for a quick workout. Take advantage of home online exercises. In addition, you might consider joining a gym for accountability and motivation purposes. Besides, you could take breaks and walk around at work or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Reduce and Manage Stress

With the pressure to beat deadlines and achieve goals amidst a busy schedule, stress is inevitable. Therefore, act to manage stress before it escalates. Start by evaluating your responsibilities. Prioritize your duties and delegate those at the bottom of the list.

Another way to relieve stress is through thinking positive and useful thoughts. Thoughts have a direct impact on how you feel and ultimately on your overall health. Positive thoughts will encourage you, elevate your energy levels and consequently improve your productivity. 

Better yet, you can improve your health through modalities like cryotherapy, facial relaxation, and knee & foot massage.

Take a Moment for Yourself

By default, the number of tasks you need to complete never ends. Consequently, if you don’t carve out some you-time, it will never happen on its own. Put yourself first by taking 15 minutes of your busy day for yourself.

During this time, relax and stop worrying about your obligations. By doing so, you’ll lower stress levels, rejuvenate and focus more. If you are working on a computer, get up and give your eyes a break. Try some relaxation, meditation, and breathing exercises. Ultimately, the happier and more focused you get, the more productive you’ll be after the break.

Get Healthy and Fit With the Above Health Tips

Although it may seem burdensome to balance health and a busy schedule, it doesn’t have to take much of your time. You can stay healthy by eating well, exercising, sleeping enough, and taking time to focus on yourself. As a result, you will lower stress levels and focus more on your well-being and overall productivity. Use the health tips above to keep your health in check.


Links to sources used

  1. Effects of long working hours
  2. Impacts of physical inactivity,lipid%20disorders%2C%20depression%20and%20anxiety.