Healthy eating at the workplace and productivity go hand in hand. In fact, studies show that employees who snack unhealthily at the workplace experience a 66% decline in productivity.1 This can be attributed to the fact that unhealthy eating causes health issues such as malnutrition, obesity, inflammation, poor digestion, etc. 

Unfortunately, most people give in to their guilty pleasures at work. This is especially true when their employers don’t have healthy alternatives.  Here are the top 10 snacks that you should stock to encourage healthy eating at your workplace. 

Healthy Eating for Corporate Employees: Top 10 Snacks

Snacks are essential for providing energy boosts. However, snacks that have too many calories could have the opposite effect. Since your employees spend around 8 hours of their day at work, they are likely to have multiple meals at the office. It’s up to you to ensure that they consume healthy snacks. 

Here are the top 10 healthy alternatives. 

  • Oatmeal

The beauty of oatmeal is that it’s highly versatile. For instance, your employees could have it with water, milk, or yogurt. They could even add some chia seeds and berries to make it tastier and healthier. This means that they’ll never get bored of this snack. 

  • Greek Yogurt

There’s a reason why greek yogurt is popular among people embracing healthy living. It’s tasty, thick, high in protein, and generally more satisfying. It’s also low in calories but rich in nutrients and calcium.

Recommend that your employees combine it with dried fruits & nuts to act as a nutritious light lunch. 

  • Nuts

Nuts are not only delicious but also contain a healthy dose of fiber, proteins, and fats. Studies also show that they lower people’s cholesterol levels making them a great workplace snack. The beauty of nuts is that your employees can easily stock them in their desks and snack on them throughout the day. 

  • Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is more than a snack; it’s soul food. Unfortunately, most people snack on the high-calorie variants, which raises their cholesterol levels. Recommend dark chocolate to your employees as it’s rich in antioxidants. It also lowers blood pressure and helps your body break down fat and carbohydrates. 

  • Fruits

You can never go wrong with fruits as a snack. They have high micronutrients and low calories. They’re also rich in fiber and will keep your employees full for a long time. Advice your employees to avoid juicing the fruits as the juices are relatively high in calories. 

  • Jerky

Jerky has gained a reputation as an unhealthy indulgence, but it still remains one of the healthiest snacks. It’s packed with lean proteins and will keep your employees fuller for longer. You should, however, recommend that your employees take it in moderation due to its high salt content. 

  • Granola Bar

Granolas have more than one health benefit, which is why they are gaining popularity. They have a healthy protein content and high fiber. They’re also a great source of energy and lack unhealthy sugars. This reduces the risk of afternoon sluggishness which impacts employee productivity. 

  • Avocados

This is one of the most unconventional snacks yet highly efficient. Avocados contain healthy fats, which are known to lower cortisol levels, boosting your employee’s moods. They are also rich in folate, which assists with nutrition delivery to the brain. 

  • Quinoa

Quinoa is a great snack for people that are trying to lose weight. It’s loaded with proteins that aid in breaking down fats and carbohydrates and has a ton of nutritional value. This ultimately enables the body to burn more calories during digestion. 

  • Berries

Berries are packed with antioxidants that help the body fight off diseases. They also help curb cravings, prevent bloating, and have been linked with an increase in cognitive abilities. Studies show that the flavonoids in berries help improve memory. 

Embrace Healthy Eating With These Above Snacks

A study revealed that when people spend more than 50% of their waking hours at work, they find themselves consuming unhealthy foods.2 The calories then quickly add up, negatively impacting their productivity. 

As an employer, you can take charge of your employee’s feeding habits by ensuring they always have healthy snacks. This will ultimately reflect in your overall profitability. You should also recommend that they consider recovery services such as knee & foot massage, hypervolt percussion therapy, and facial relaxation.

Links to Sources Used

  1. Poor Employee Health Habits Drive Lost Productivity According to Major New Study of Nearly 20,000 American Workers –
  2. Why eating at work can add on the pounds –