As people grow older, they tend to neglect one of the most important aspects of staying fit; working out. A study by the CDC revealed that almost 30% of people above the age of 65 don’t work out.¹ The numbers are much higher for seniors over 75 years. It is difficult to find fitness tips for seniors on the web.

Understandably, one of the main reasons why seniors don’t exercise is the fear of sustaining injuries. At this age, your body has undergone several changes and is a bit fragile. Ironically, working out helps you strengthen your body and keeps you healthy. Here’s a complete guide into fitness injury prevention for seniors. 

Fitness Tips for Seniors: A Quick Guide to a Healthy Workout Program

Some physical activity is better than no exercise at all. The recommended workout time is 150 minutes of moderate activity on a weekly basis or 75 minutes of intense workout.² This time should be well distributed within the week to avoid injuring yourself. For instance, it could be 30 minutes of daily exercise for five days a week. 

As a senior, however, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with too much physical activity. To stay fit, you’re allowed to only be as physically active as your body can allow. 

Changes That Occur as You Grow Older

As you grow older, your body changes with you. While this is not a fact that most people find pleasing, most of the changes are gradual, and you won’t even know they are happening until much later. The one thing that remains constant, however, is the importance of physical activity. It’s not only crucial for your physical health but also your mental wellbeing.

The changes you experience are the reason your risk for sustaining injuries is higher. You have probably noticed that;

  • You’ve lost muscles: by the time you hit 50, you’ll have lost about 10% of your muscles. This muscle loss starts at 40 or earlier depending on your level of physical activity and makes it easy for you to gain weight. It also reduces your physical abilities. Regular exercise slows down muscle loss and strengthens the tissues. 
  • Loss of elasticity in the tendons and ligaments: this makes you vulnerable to injuries due to reduced joint motion.

You should note that seniors take longer to recover from injuries as their tissues become less compliant. Most of these injuries involve strains & sprains around the ankles, shoulders, and knees. 

Tips on Avoiding Injuries During Exercise

Exercise helps you live a long and productive life. Here are practical tips to help you avoid injuries.

  1. Use the 10% rule: increase the intensity of your workout regularly, but only in 10% increments. This allows your body to adjust faster.
  2. Get medical screening: don’t just assume that you’re healthy. Chronic conditions significantly increase your chances of sustaining injuries. Make sure you get a clean bill of health from the doctor before settling on a workout program.
  3. Keep the exercises regular and balanced: don’t cram an entire week’s worth of exercises in one day. Your body may not be able to handle it. Don’t forget to maintain a balanced exercise program. Ensure you engage in stretches, cardiovascular exercises, strength training, etc.
  4. Always warm-up before and after your routine: this will make your workouts smoother and ready your body for the exercises. It will also ease recovery.
  5. Get professional help: if you’re having a hard time creating and sticking to fitness regimes, consult an expert. They will tailor your workout sessions based on your needs. 
  6. Use the right equipment and gear: don’t lift more than you can handle. Ensure that you only use equipment that won’t harm your body. You should also get the right fitness gear for maximum comfort during the workout. 

While you can’t engage in the intensive exercises that your younger counterparts are doing, you can still stay physically active. Learn to listen to your body. If it says you’ve had enough, then you should stop. 

If you sustain injuries, you should consider recovery modalities such as cryotherapycompression therapy, and percussion therapy

Avoid Injury By Following These Risk-free Fitness Tips for Seniors

Regular exercises are important for your general wellbeing. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream workout regimes are unsuitable for seniors; they are mostly set for young people looking to lose weight or buff up. Some of the exercises that have a low risk of injury include;

  • Water aerobics
  • Resistance Band workouts
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Dumbbell strength training
  • Walking

Set aside some time off your daily schedule and stay fit!

Links to Sources Used

  1. How much physical activity do older adults need? – 
  2. How much exercise do you need, really? –